Wet vs. dry cat food: which is best?

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Find Food that fits your pet's needs

Find Food that fits your pet's needs

Find Food that fits your pet's needs

When you bring home a kitty, it can be difficult to choose between wet and dry cat food. Both are ultimately excellent sources of nutrition, and some pet parents decide to offer both. Each type of food presents its own advantages, so here’s what you need to know so you can decide what's best for your cat.

The benefits of wet cat food

Wet cat food comes in pre-measured portions that cats love. There are a variety of delicious flavours and forms available to provide cats with variety to their meals. For cats with dental problems or difficulty chewing, wet food may be easier for them to eat.

Wet foods also provide cats with additional water to help them stay hydrated. Even with wet foods, cats should always have access to clean, fresh water. Increasing water intake is often recommended for cats diagnosed with certain health problems, such as kidney or urinary issues. For these cats, clinical canned foods would be recommended because they offer other benefits, such as controlled mineral levels, that are beneficial for those conditions.

The benefits of dry cat food

Dry cat food is available in conveniently sized bags, keeping well up to the "best by date" on the bag as long as you store it in a cool, dry location. It's generally less expensive than wet food and can be gentler on your budget. 

Some cats are perfectly content with dry food left as free-choice feeding, which is where you leave a bowl of food out for your cat to nibble on throughout the day. Other cats gorge on food and must be fed only portion-controlled meals. Luckily, you can easily use a measuring cup to control each serving for overweight or gluttonous cats. The kibble can also be used in feeding puzzle toys to keep your cat friend active and happy.

Blended or mixed feeding

Blended or mixed feeding routines can offer cats the best of both worlds. With a blended feeding routine, you may feed your cat dry food in the morning, and wet in the evening. This way, they can graze on the dry food throughout the day if they choose, and you can dispose of any dried out wet food before going to bed.

There is also the option of mixing your cat's dry food with wet cat food, which can also help provide additional moisture with each meal. If you choose this option, any of the uneaten mixture needs to be discarded within a few hours. Keep in mind, though, that it is still important to maintain proper portion control to ensure your cat is getting the proper amount of nutrients to maintain a healthy weight.

No matter which type of cat food you choose, the debate between wet vs. dry cat food isn't one that's easily answered. Each cat is unique with their own tastes and preferences. Consult with your cat's vet if you have any questions about choosing wet vs. dry cat food, and let your little friend's tastes guide you to the preferred flavours.

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